Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Now that the political season is over, the Stop the Hamhock Decrease the Pork Grease Coalition wants to enlighten the public about Chitterling ("Chitlin") Season, a time during the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays when varieties of pork products—especially chitlins—are bought and consumed.
What began as a staple for African-American slaves, chitlins have become a marketable holiday staple for the modern-day African-American community. And during the next 10 days, every supermarket or grocery store will stock thousands of buckets of raw small intestines ready to be cleaned and cooked for holiday consumption. Also, look out for an increased availability of hot sauce, pork seasonings and other pork products, everything from the "roota" to the "toota" of the whole hog.
Remember that the overindulgence of food (especially pork products) and alcohol causes the health risks of high blood pressure and high blood sugar during Chitlin Season. These health hazards occur because the mass media influence most African-American consumers to spend beyond their means during the holiday season.
Therefore, we of the Stop the Hamhocks Decrease the Pork Grease Coalition urge the modern-day African-American community and others to exercise moderation during the chitlin/holiday season and these harsh economic times. Failure to do so will result in a bunch of overweight, stressed-out, broke and depressed individuals who begin the new year suffering from poor health and bad credit all because it's CHITLIN SEASON!
Just a reminder: Coming soon during the Chitlin Season is our delightful Christmas Breathmint Festival: Promoting World Peace Through Fresh Breath.
Have a safe and happy holiday season courtesy of the Mississippi chapter of The Stop the Hamhocks Decrease the Pork Grease Coalition.
Ken Stiggers is a television producer in Jackson.