[Stiggers] The State of Dee-wishous Queem-O-Wheet

The Cream-O-Wheat Meals on Wheels Foundation International (We Got A Big Hot Pot In the Back) presents Commentary Concerning Cream-O-Wheat by the Cream-O-Wheat man.

My fellow citizens, the state of qweemy, dee-wishous Qweem-O-Wheat may approach an all-time low in 2004. My Qweem-O-Wheat Dweem Team has informed me about the rising price of dairy products, especially qweemy milk and butter, vital ingredients for a dee-wishous hot bowl of Qweem-O-Wheat. The news finally hit home for me after negotiating a deal with the Starbucks coffee franchise to offer their customers a hot, qweemy, dee-wishous bowl of qweemy, qweem-o-wheat. I noticed the price of latte, their qweemy milk and coffee product, had gone up. I concluded that costly dairy products might adversely affect the poor and common folks. Butter and cheese from our government will not be free anymore. A gallon of milk will cost much more than a box of Sweet Crunchie Critters cereal. Strong bones and teeth will become physical attributes of the past. The astronomical price of the Mr. Softee Cones will break the budgets of financially challenged neighborhood children and families

Who will cry over spilled milk? All those poor folk who must pay $4 a gallon! And it all started with an angry cow from Canada.

Despite the crisis the Qweem-O-Wheat Meals on Wheels Foundation faces regarding the rising prices of dairy products, your Qweem-O-Wheat man will do his best to serve the masses hot, dee-wishous, qweemy bowls of Qweem-O-Wheat with qweemy milk, butter and sugar. Thank ya!

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