Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Mo'tel Williams Records (not K-Tel) and the Ghetto Science team bring to you the single "G.W. Makes the World Go 'Round," from the CD "What Happened Yawl?" by the Nu Peaches and Herb, Shaniqua and Pierre:
Was at the polls to cast my vote, practicing my right and full of hope. The pollster said, "Yo' name ain't on this list!" Oh my goodness! What is this?
Chorus: And G.W. makes the world go 'round—another sad fairy tale. What will happen to us now? What's down the road ahead? G.W. makes the world go 'round.
Newspaper fell on my porch today with the bold headline on the front page. The headline said, "G.W.: Fo' Mo' Years!" Then my eyes welled up with tears.
Chorus: And G.W. makes the world go 'round—another sad fairy tale. What will happen to us now? What's down the road ahead?
G.W. makes the world go 'round.
Washed my face, put on my clothes. Said to myself: "Remain composed!" But in my mind I am cautious here because M.C. George Bushy is back Fo' Mo' Years.
Chorus: And G.W. makes the world go 'round—another sad fairy tale. What will happen to us now? What's down the road ahead?
G.W. makes the world go 'round.
Bear with the fact that G.W. makes the world go round! Order now by phone at 1-800- HE'S-BACK for your copy of Shaniqua and Pierre's debut CD "What Happened Yawl!" Platinum-Gold credit card orders only!
Ken Stiggers is a TV producer in Jackson and the co-host of Lyric Lounge Thursdays at Daiquiri World.