[Stiggers] Broke on a Fixed Income

G-SPAN (Ghetto-Science Public Affairs Network) proudly presents our premiere bootleg broadcast of the Ghetto Science Team's Financially Challenged Economic Summit 2005, with keynote speaker Grandma Pookie.

Greetings, my fellow financially challenged brothers and sisters! Our theme for this year's economic summit is: Broke on a Fixed Income. We have gathered today to understand and overcome our financially challenged plight. Our desire is to decipher the logic behind the increasing prices of gasoline, oil, utilities, food and medical supplies while our wages and benefits remain fixed.

Look at what has happened within our society: Middle-class ambitions and dreams have become bankrupt; uncertain economic times force folk to raid the "rainy day fund" and bust open the "piggy bank"; weary senior citizens must come out of retirement to work as Wal-Mart greeters; the minimum wage is fixed; salaries are fixed because overtime does not exist, and as government officials go into hiding, municipalities, government agencies and school districts sing our theme: "Broke on a Fixed Income."

All I can say during this time is: Remain composed and stay focused as G.W. makes the world go 'round.

I want to end my message with this prayer passed on to me by my Great Grandma Pookie who also endured uncertain economic times:

"Our Father, Who is in Heaven!"—the man owe me 11 and pay me seven. "Thy Kingdom come! Thy Will be done!"—And if I hadn't taken that, I wouldn' get NONE! Amen.

Ken Stiggers is a television producer in Jackson and the co-host of The Lyric Lounge Thursdays at Santiago's.

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