Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Cough Syrup: $12. Asprin: $5. Chunky Chicken Soup: $2. Cold Medicine and Vapor Rub: $20. You have bad cold and no sick day benefits at your job: FIRED!
Slaves to the minimum wage cannot afford to be sick or hurt these days. If you are financially challenged and need an inexpensive remedy for your particular illness, injury or ailment, come to Momma Root Dr.'s Ghetto Pharmacy and Holistic Health Center for the Working Poor People of America.
Let Momma Root Dr. and her ghetto pharmacists cure your illness with inexpensive herbal root remedies from ginger root to sassafras. Her multi-purpose herbal ointment is a popular healing agent for those with swollen feet.
A man came to Momma Root Dr. with a bloated three-toe foot. When he applied the ointment to his foot, the swelling disappeared, and his three-toe foot was normal again with five toes—no costly prescriptions or medical bills. Now this man teaches a weekly "steppin'" dance class at Clubb Chicken Wing, thanks to Momma Root Dr.
The Holistic Health Center, located in Momma Root Dr.'s basement, is a large space for aerobics, yoga, back massage and reflexology, plus an area with treadmill, stationary bicycle and shower. The Jack LaLane Juice bar is located in the kitchen. A qualified team of holistic health experts provide preventive health counseling and physical training. And it's all affordable.
Remember: With Momma Root Dr., you get more than a drug store.
Ken Stiggers is a television producer in Jackson and the co-host of Lyric Lounge Thursdays at Santiago's.