[Stiggers] The Pied Pipers of Crime Control

Jethro "Drum Stick" Johnson and Martin "Blue Note" Smith of the Ghetto Science Team Crime Prevention Association propose a new crime prevention program.

Martin: "Jethro and I have a plan to bring civil rest within crime-ridden areas."

Jethro: "Yes, there's a new sheriff in town, and he or she has an instrument."

Martin: "We're talking about a musical instrument, like a trumpet or guitar."

Jethro: "We're talking about a pre-emptive strike against crime through our program called 'Musicians on the Beat: The Sounds of Crime Prevention.'"

Martin: "We created this crime pre-vention method because we understand that music has a particular charm to soothe the beast within us all."

Jethro: "And if we strike the right chord, criminal acts will be neutralized. Therefore, we will recruit and hire musicians of various music genres to play music, patrol the city and maintain law and order. We propose the following 24-hour schedules."

Martin: "8 a.m. to noon: Talking Drum Morning Beat Patrol.

"Noon to 2 p.m.: The Good God Gospel Singers Midday Praise the Lord Devotional Church Service Patrol.
"2 p.m. to 6 p.m.: Acid Jazz and Classical Music Afternoon Harmonics Brigade.

"6 p.m. to 8 p.m.: Church Choir Revival Neighborhood Watch Team.

"8 p.m. to 11 p.m.: Hip-Hop for Lovers/Spoken Word/Alternative/Pop Patrol.

"11 p.m. to 3 a.m.: 'Round Midnight and all-night Soul Music Patrol

"3 a.m. to 8 a.m.: 'Bad Boys' Theme Song Reggae Band Patrol."

Previous Comments


This is a winner. Music is God trying to talk to us. Sounds better than worthless curfews.

Ray Carter

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