Believe It to Receive It


In October 2006, Lelon Thompson did a one-day workshop at New Vibrations, Karen Parker's bookstore and just-plain-neat new-age shop in Fondren. The workshop, "You'll See It When You Believe It," struck a chord and started something powerful in Jackson. Earlier this year, I spoke with Parker and Thompson.

How did this all start?
Parker: Lelon's workshop was so popular it just sparked something. New Vibrations has a lot of books and other materials about setting your intentions. So we decided to form an intention group, and for Lelon to host it every Saturday at 10 a.m. A lot of people were ready to make a change, and the (Power of Intent) group is a way to make this powerful creative tool a part of their everyday lives.

Walk me through a meeting of the intention group.
Thompson: There's no set schedule; we start each meeting at 10 a.m. with whoever's there; we usually have between 15 and 20 people. We spend a few minutes sharing our good news—what has manifested, what's on the way—and asking if there are people we need to lift up and help, things like that. Then we spend about 10 minutes with each person doing personal intentions, visualizing what they will create for themselves. Then we spend about 10 minutes doing a global focus—world peace, abundant food for all, healthy planet. We spend the rest of the time discussing people's spiritual reactions to the intentions. Sometimes people receive spiritual messages, or feel very connected and want to share those feelings.

Who comes?
Thompson: The majority of people who come to the Power of Intent group are either just at the beginning of their spiritual quest or have been involved in spiritual pursuits for a long time and are looking to come together with like-minded people. Sometimes, we get people who are just curious, but not often. There's so much out there about the intention process worldwide (that) people mostly come to actively participate.

How does the intention process work?
Thompson: It's so simple. You focus your intent on what you will create. Then you make a positive statement in the present tense, ask that it be for the highest good of all involved, and express gratitude for having already received it. In other words, you act as if it's already occurred. The universe gives us everything we ask for, so you have to be careful, because what you think, you manifest. Language is important. If you say, "I want to lose 20 pounds," what you'll get is lack—continued want—of the ability to lose 20 pounds. You never will lose the weight that way. It's better to say, "For the highest good of all, I intend that I am 20 pounds lighter, and so, healthy and vibrant." You need to watch how you ask.

What's the most amazing thing about the group?
Thompson: There are a couple of things: First, having a group get together with a common interest in improving people's lives and the world, and seeing how there's this incredible bond between people who are all on the same spiritual mission; second, seeing the successes and benefits in the lives of those people who actively practice intention. ... Setting your intent alone is great, but group work is so much more powerful. Everybody comments following a meeting that they feel more connected to higher forces in the group.

What are some other resources for folks?
Thompson: The simplest and most "user-friendly" introduction is "The Secret" on DVD. Then try reading "The Law of Attraction" and "Ask and It Is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks. The Hicks' books are fun and simple and have lots of games and fun activities to reinforce the basic concepts. Other good beginner books are "The Intenders of the Highest Good," a novel by Tony Burroughs, and the small companion book called "The Intender's Handbook" which gives a step-by-step process to creating your own intender's circle. For those who thirst for even more detail, there's "The Power of Intention" by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Also check out numerous Web sites, including Tony Burroughs's, Dr. Dyer's Web site and The Secret.

The Power of Intent group meets Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. at New Vibrations, 2914 N. State St. Free. Call 601-981-1153.

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