[Stiggers] Slow-Moving Targets

Qweem-O-Wheat: "For quite some time, with my faithful truck, a big old hot pot and plenty of Qweem-O-Wheat, I've fed thousands of senior citizens hot qweemy bowls of dee-wishious Qweem-O-Wheat through my 'meals-on-wheels' service. While delivering a hot, qweemy treat to Grandma Pookie, she whispered: 'Boy, nothing in life is freeā€”even when you get old like me.' Her statement made me realize that our senior citizens have become vulnerable, slow-moving targets for folk who want to beat down elderly people and take their hard-earned money.

"Currently, the beat-down-and-take method is used in events like free-lunch investment seminars, where salespersons frequently beat down unsuspecting seniors with high-pressure sales pitches, then collect hundreds of dollars from them. In the ghetto, the method is more straightforward: Some folk just beat up old grandma and take her money.

"This is why I've organized the Abuse, Fraud and Scam Prevention Awareness Program. It consists of trusted partnerships with senior advocacy groups like the Let-Me-Hold-Five-Dollars National Bank Financial-Scam Police, the Ghetto Science Team Financial-Regulatory Bureau, Ladies With Five-Pound-Pocketbooks and Purses Beat-Down Brigade, and the Walking Stick and High-Powered Motor Chair Self-Defense Squad.

"Remember: In an abusive environment, one only survives by recognizing the abuse. And exploitation and predatory behavior are abuse. Call the Abuse, Fraud and Scam Prevention help line at 1-800-IM-FED-UP!"

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It's a shame how the elderly are dogged out and disrespected these days. They didn't spend all these years on the planet just to end their lives broke because of a scam or near death because some crook jumps them and mugs them.


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