Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Boneqweesha Jones: "It's time for the 'Qweesha Live Television Magazine Movie Preview for 2010'! My movie pick for the new decade of the new millennium is 'The Bottom Line is Money,' a documentary film by Kunta 'Rahsheed X' Toby, the Gordon Parks of the Ghetto.
"Kunta, everyone knows the bottom line is money. So, with this documentary, are you preaching to the mass choir?"
Kunta: "Of course, Qweesha! I'm preaching to a mass choir in denial. My purpose with this film is to motivate critical thinking and necessary action. On the surface, we know the bottom line is money, but we are very reluctant to question or challenge the ones who impose financial misery and mental stress on us."
Boneqweesha Jones: "I understand, Kunta. The victims of oppression must realize that the perpetrator is abusing them. I want the viewing audience to take a 'sneekie peekie' of your new film. Roll the videotape, Rufus!"
Kumta (narrating over film footage): "It all began when a presidential candidate uttered three words: 'Distribute the Wealth!' I thought he meant help the poor. But for those who earned $250,000 or more, his words meant war. Not a war on poverty, but a war against the poor. Their weapons of financial mass destruction against the poor were massive late-fee charges, a mentality of zero tolerance and unsympathetic customer service personnel. It's the greedy versus the needy in an unnecessary battle for survival where 'The Bottom Lie Is MoneyŌa Kunta 'Rahsheed X' Toby film.