Something Green

If you're serious about reducing your carbon footprint, your wedding is one of the best ways you can practice environment friendly and sustainable living while making a statement to family and friends. Here are a few tips.

Recycle When Possible
Use 100 percent recyclable paper for your wedding invitations, or cut down on paper entirely by designing a Web site and sending out e-vites.

Make Your Dollar Count
Anytime you spend money, you vote with your wallet. Consider buying flowers from a local farmer instead of shipping flowers in from another part of the country. When you buy locally, not only do you support the local economy, you save energy cost and reduce fossil-fuel emissions.

Reuse It
Instead of buying a new wedding dress, buy a used one at a vintage boutique or consignment store. This also goes for the groom's tuxedo and bridesmaid's dresses.

Conserve Green Space
Consider having your reception at a public park such a Mynelle Gardens in order to support public green space, and add an outdoor element to your event. If the weather isn't cooperating, consider using a space that serves as part of the community such as North Midtown Arts Center, an organization that provides low-income studio space for artist. Cut down on driving by holding the ceremony and reception in the same place.

Feed the World
Donate leftover food to a charity, or give your guest the option of making a donation in your name in lieu of gifts. Purchase eco-friendly products for wedding favors for your wedding party. Rainbow Whole Foods (2807 Old Canton Road, 601-366-1602) and Symbiotic in Ridgeland (140 Township Ave., Suite 102, Ridgeland, 601-707-7234) offer a wide-range of unique and fair-trade gifts.

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