Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Well, I'm starting to remember to stretch in the morning, but unfortunately I only remembered twice last week. I'm going to put a ginormous "STRETCH" sign on my mirror to remind myself to do it. Also, I still haven't gotten a journal to write my prayers in yet. I don't want to use one I've already written in. I want a nice, fresh one with pretty colors to make it special. Why do I want to write my prayers? You see, when a person has a history of anxiety and/or depression, focusing is more of a challenge. I tend to go off track while praying due to racing thoughts in my head. A typical prayer for me is like this:
Hallowed be thy... Oh, no, I forgot to call her back yesterday!
My next homework assignment is due tomorrow, and I still don't know what to draw!
What is that smell?
I wish they'd stop calling me. I just paid that bill!
Okay, cat, I'll feed you in a minute. Stop meowing at me!
Man, I'm sleepy... In Jesus' name, amen.
Do you see my point? I figure that if I write my prayers down, I can keep my brain on track for at least a good five minutes.
Moving on, I'm still working on spending time outdoors. I've come to the conclusion that I need to schedule it, or else I won't do it. It's getting hot out there now, so I'd rather not do it at high noon, but I will if I have to. One of my favorite places is at work, watching the traffic go by as the sun beams down on me. No ringing phones, no clicking of the keyboard - just me and an occasional breeze against my skin. I've got to do that every day like I planned because it feels so good.
I still haven't chosen a new hobby. I've considered crocheting, bird watching and learning to play a new instrument. It'll probably end up being crocheting since I'm such a homebody. I want to get some of those flower looms so I can make yarn flowers and pin one in my hair every once in a while.
That's all for now. I need to go look at my list again to remind myself what the other two things were that I said I was going to do as part of the Wellness Project.