Father's Day

The proud papa is a guy who has snapshots of his kids in his wallet where his money used to be. Humorous to some, true for others. This year, give your father a gift thoughtfully chosen for him, based on his personality or hobbies. Head on over to This week's JFP Issue and check out the deals!

Buffalo Peak Outfitters, 115 Highland Village, 601-366-2557, http://www.buffalopeak.net;
Coast Ink, 1019 Highway 80 W, 601-948-4849, http://www.coastink.com;
Fondren Guitars by Patrick Harkins, 607 Fondren Place, 601-362-0313, http://www.fondrenguitars.com;
Great Scott, 4400 Old Canton Road, 601-984-3500, http://www.GreatScott.net;
Kinkade's Fine Clothing, 126 W. Jackson Street, Suite 2B, Ridgeland, 601-898-0513, http://www.kinkadesfc.com;
Lemuria Books, 202 Banner Hall, 4465 Interstate 55 N., 601-366-7619, http://www.lemuriabooks.com;
The Mississippi Gift Company, 300 Howard St. (in historic downtown), Greenwood, http://www.themississippigiftcompany.com, http://www.msgifts.com, 1-800-4-MS-PRODUCTS;
Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame, Museum Gift Shop,380 South lama Street, 601-982-8264, http://www.msfame.com;
Mori Luggage and Gifts, 1424 Old Square Road, 601-981-4888. http://www.moriluggage.com;
The Museum Store at the Mississippi Museum of Art, 201E. Pascagoula Street, 601-965-9939, http://www.store.msmuseumart.org;
Smitten Gift Boutique , 207 W. Jackson St., Suite E, Ridgeland, 601-856-1655, http://www.smittengifts.blogspot.com;
Swell-o-Phonic, 2761 Old Canton Road, 601-981-3547, http://www.studiochane.com

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