Week 3: King Cake, Tamales, and Water Oh My

Getting to the gym has proven to be hard work. I am eating much better, though my best friend did make a King Cake yesterday. Also spent a good bit of time at the Ink Spot Farewell party, I will miss those guys and gal (shout out to Walker's Drive-In for the fantastic Tamale casserole). This summer is much more hectic than I expected and I'm trying to manage my time better than I have in the past. I'm hoping for some suggestions or tips on that (anyone?). Drinking water is getting harder, I've been thinking about getting the Crystal Lite drink mix but I feel like that's cheating.

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Great time management (or, "mind management") advice in David Allen's "Getting Things Done" and follow-up book "Making Things Work." A favorite: If it can be done in less than two minutes, do it. Another: Write or "process" every task into your system, no matter how large or small. You shouldn't carry anything around in your head so you can give total attention to each task. You can also just Google 'GTD' for much more on it.


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