Tuesday, June 29, 2010
As my car coasted into the JFP parking lot two weeks ago, I thought I had ran out of gas. It actually turns out that I need a new car engine, which means I'm out of a car for the time being. The good news? This means I have exceeded my goal of biking to work three times a week. However, it makes getting to the gym more of a challenge. It also makes everything else more of a challenge--from getting to the grocery store to finding ways not to arrive places pouring with sweat.
Jackson still has a long way to go before it truly becomes a more walkable and bikable city. I'd love to live in a city where you don't need a car to get around. I have faith Jackson will get there, but it's going to take a lot of work and time. At this point life keeps getting in the way of my fitness goals, making it difficult to find a routine and stick to it.