[Stiggers] Rabid Race Mixers


Ken Stiggers

Mr. Announcement: "On this episode of 'All God's Churn Got Shoes,' members and supporters of Operation White Backlash have organized a Tea Party protest rally and barbeque outside the offices of the Progressive Multi-Cultural Review, World Report and Other Stuff Journal Inc."Captain Whitman, controversial 'Right Power' activist, is addressing a small crowd. Let's join the protest rally, already in progress."

Captain Whitman: "What has happened to the America we once knew? Since the presidential election in 2008, it's been a yearlong nightmare for folk like you and me. When I watch television, I'm shocked by images of different races of people hugging, holding hands and befriending each other. And those arrogant racial minorities and foreigners have taken over film and television. Our racial purity has quickly become impure.

"The true Americans are frustrated because G.W. is not here to make the world go around anymore. Who opened this Pandora's box of social chaos? The Rabid Race Mixers, like the newspaper we're protesting today. It's all of the leftwing, socialist, communist, minority, foreigner-loving media who influence our children with the hip-hop music of T-Pain, Kanye and Lil' Wayne. And it's old pot-smoking, LSD-taking hippies who want to return to the pre-miscegenation days by singing: 'Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony, side by side on the piano keyboard.'

"Just talking about this racial-reconciliation stuff makes my blood pressure go up! I guess I'll just stick with the good ole 'Right Power!'

"Are you with me?"

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