Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Boneqweesha Jones: "This is the Labor Day edition of ‘Qweesha Live 2010.' During the last eight weeks of summer, America and the world have experienced more drama than the soap operas and reality-television shows combined. The summer of 2010 will probably be remembered for the BP Oil Spill Television Marathon; D.J. Andrew Breitbart's abbreviated, chopped and screwed disco mix of Shirley Sherrod's 45-minute speech to the NAACP; and Glenn Beck Luther King's re-enactment of the March on Washington.
"All of this division, spitefulness and red tape makes me want to holler, throw up both my hands and ask: ‘What's Going On?' All of this hot mess happening in the world makes me recall lyrics from an Earth, Wind and Fire song:
So you say you tried.
But you just can't find the pleasure.
People around you givin' you pressure
Try to resist all the hurt that's all around you.
If you taste it, it will haunt you
So come, take me by the hand,
We'll leave this troubled land.
All of this foolishness makes me want to get away.
"Before I close, I want Brother Sylvester, ‘Missing Toe' artist, to briefly talk about his thought-provoking T-shirt graphic art series called ‘Msicar Esrever.'"
Brother Sylvester: "‘Msicar Esrever' is the phrase ‘Reverse Racism.' It's my T-shirt art campaign to eliminate the rise of hatred, bigotry and racism by flipping the phrase and spelling the words backward."
Boneqweesha Jones: "Now that's what I call ‘flippin' the script,' Brother Sylvester."