Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Nurse Tootie McBride: "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the Ghetto Science Community's 'Brace Yourself for the Credit Default' rally. The poor and middle classes are gathered here at the Clubb Chicken Wing Multi-Purpose Complex to prepare for the possible and very bumpy ride down the road toward financial uncertainty. It seems as if the Senate, Congress, Democrats, Republicans and the president might fulfill Curtis Mayfield's prophesy: '... There can be no show. And if there's a hell below, we're all gonna go ...' And while the poor, middle class, senior citizens and disabled suffer, the rich will have no worries.
"My Uncle Louie 'Armstrong' McBride will close this rally with his own rendition of the song 'What a Wonderful World.'"
Louie 'Armstrong' McBride (singing): "I see skies of blue and clouds of white. Folk will worry about their social security all day and then can't sleep at night. And the rich will think to themselves, 'What a wonderful world.'
"The colors of the rainbow are so pretty in the sky; see the poor and middle class trying to just get by. I see rich folk shaking hands happily, saying, 'How do you do,' while ticked off middle class folk mumble, 'We've been screwed.'
"Although most will gripe, moan and complain, all I have to say, 'If we had gotten involved and voted, we wouldn't be in this mess today. And the rich will think to themselves, 'What a wonderful world.'
"Ohhhh yeah. And keep hope alive