Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Miss Doodle Mae: "Jojo amazes me. He always keeps his staff and customers grounded during crazy times. On May 24, 2011, some anxious customers anticipating the end of the world rushed inside Jojo's Discount Dollar Store to purchase various items like canned food, bottled water, flashlights, radios, etc. Consumer chaos engulfed the entire Jojo's Discount Dollar Store and staff. Folks bought anything and everything they could buy. I actually witnessed frenzied customers fighting over the remaining supply of New Testament Bibles in the books and magazine aisle. In the midst of the in-store mayhem, Jojo spoke calmly into a bullhorn."
Jojo: "My precious customers: I'm happy and thankful that you came to shop at Jojo's Discount Dollar Store. And I also know that judgment day is coming soon. However, I do suggest that each of you take a few minutes to read your newly purchased Bible. I recall my elders fervently warning me about judgment day, but they also referred me to Bible scripture from Matthew 24.
"'Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. ... So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.'"
Miss Doodle Mae: "After successfully calming everyone down, Jojo skillfully promoted his discount dollar store's post-judgment refund and Memorial Day Weekend Summer Vacation Sale.
"Remember: In the ghetto everything is everything, and everything at Jojo's is still a dollar."