Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Miss Doodle Mae: "As a senior employee of Jojo's Discount Dollar Store, I look forward to this time of the year. This is the time when Jojo lets Chief Crazy Brotha, the most creative and artistic staff member, organize special events during the holiday season. I remember Chief Crazy Brotha's premiere of his original stage play 'Thanks for Giving Us Casinos and Hotels Without Reservations: A Black Indian Speaks on Thanksgiving.' This play really enlightened Jojo's mind, and the customers truly enjoyed Chief Crazy Brotha's stellar performance.
"The Thanksgiving play I remember the most is the controversial 'Weepin' and Wailin' with Plenty of Towels on the Trail of Tears: A 400-Year Retrospective on Indian Removal.' After the gut-wrenching performance, Jojo was pleased when customers wept and wailed in the linen section and bought up all the towels. Thanks to Chief Crazy Brotha, the entire staff got some nice bonuses that week.
"Jojo's Discount Dollar Store is ready to have another entertaining and enlightening 'Post Thanksgiving (not Black Friday)' sale. Jojo has stocked the store with plenty of inexpensive gift items, and he invites the 'new poor' (aka the middle class) to shop without shame. Back by popular demand, to bridge the digital divide in the ghetto, are Aunt Tee Tee Hustle's refurbished computers.
"And look out for Chief Crazy Brotha's new Post Thanksgiving performance tribute to the Occupy Movement titled 'One Third Native-American, Two Thirds African-American and Part of the 99 Percent.'"