Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Congressman Smokey "Robinson" McBride: "Citizens of this country were promised a change to believe in. Now citizens can't believe the change that has happened. The change we believed in has resulted in bigotry on steroids, rising unemployment, hiring freezes and an unstable global economy. I do regret how we tried to hush, be cool and wait for change to come. I guess going along to get along didn't work so well.
"It's time to break out of our silence and complacency. It's time to be as courageous as Fannie Lou Hamer when she fought for American voting rights and civil rights. Frederick Douglas suggested that the people should agitate, agitate, agitate.
"Therefore, I encourage members of the Ghetto Science Community to get involved with my weekly 'Letter of Concern to the President, Congress, House and Senate' program. This is a great opportunity to express your frustrations, fears and concerns to the folk you elected into office. Continued silence regarding your rights and needs will be viewed as consent.
"If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, bring your pencils, papers, ideas, concerns and complaints to Clubb Chicken Wing's Weekly Hump Day extended Hot Wing Happy Hour. I will have writers from the Ghetto Science Writers Guild there to help members of the Ghetto Science Community compose forceful and convincing letters and emails to elected officials.
"A change might come when tons of letters of concern from angry minority voters pile up in politicians' offices."