Tuesday, July 3, 2012
JACKSON Artists and programs in 45 counties across the state received $1.5 million in grants from the Mississippi Arts Commission, the agency announced late Monday.
Awarded to 183 organizations and 39 artists, the grants will be used for activities from museum operations to education programming at schools.
“Even though federal and state governments faced budget cuts and the global recession continues to strain private support, we are thankful we can keep our level of support steady. This is a true testament to the outstanding partnership between MAC, the Mississippi Legislature, Governor Phil Bryant, the National Endowment for the Arts, and private sector supporters of the arts across Mississippi," said MAC executive director Malcolm White.
The MAC receives funding from the state Legislature and the federal government through the National Endowment for the Arts. The agency will accept another round of applications for grants on Nov. 1.
MAC Awards $1.5 million in Grants
Artists and programs in 45 counties across the state received $1.5 million in grants from the Mississippi Arts Commission, the agency announced late Monday. Awarded to 183 organizations and 39 artists, the grants will be used for activities from museum operations to education programming at schools.
This includes 50 grants awarded in Hinds County worth $314,467, four Rankin County grants totaling $8,300 and four grants in Madison County for $51,700. Here's the complete list of projects and new additions to the state artist's roster from the capital city area:
Hinds County
Andy Hilton
Grant Awarded: $500
Description: for artwork creation
Arts Council of Clinton, Inc.
Grant Awarded: $3,200
Description: for an Operating Grant
Ballet Mississippi
Grant Awarded: $23,000
Description: for an Operating Grant
Barr Elementary
Grant Awarded: $413
Description: to present New Stage Theatre
Celtic Heritage Society
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: to support Celtic Fest
Central Mississippi Blues Society, Inc.
Grant Awarded: $3,500
Description: to present the Blue Monday concert series
City of Clinton
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: for the Veterans Tribute
Community Foundation of Greater Jackson, Inc.
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: to support the repair of artwork by consultant Fletcher Cox
Crossroads Film Society
Grant Awarded: $3,500
Description: to support the Crossroads Film Festival
Ellen Ann Fentress
Grant Awarded: $500
Description: to attend the Words and Music Writers conference
Farish Street Heritage Festival
Grant Awarded: $3,000
Description: to present the 33rd annual Farish Street Festival
Genesis and Light Center
Grant Awarded: $3,500
Description: to support a summer arts program
Greater Belhaven Neighborhood Foundation
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: to support the Being Belhaven Arts Series
Greater Jackson Arts Council
Address: P.O. Box 17 Contact: Jon Salem
Jackson, MS 39205-0017 Telephone: 601-960-1557
Grant Awarded: $17,300
Description: for an Operating Grant
Jackson Choral Society
Grant Awarded: $3,500
Description: to present "Mostly Mozart" and "Poetry in Song" concerts
Jazz in the Grove
Grant Awarded: $2,800
Description: to support the 2013 Jazz in the Grove Festival
JPS for Casey Elementary School
Grant Awarded: $1,500
Description: for a Model Whole Schools grant
JSU/MW Alexander National Research Ctr.
Grant Awarded: $2,900
Description: to support the 7th Annual Creative Arts Festival
Liliclaire Chaworth McKinnon-Hicks
Grant Awarded: $491
Description: to attend an artist training workshop
Mary Quin
Grant Awarded: $350
Description: to attend an artist training workshop
Midtown Partners, Inc.
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: for designing an art park
Millsaps College/Arts & Lecture Series
Grant Awarded: $2,700
Description: to support the 2012-2013 Arts and Lecture Series
Mississippi Academy of Ancient Music
Grant Awarded: $3,400
Description: to support a concert season and education outreach
Mississippi Boychoir
Grant Awarded: $15,300
Description: for an Operating Grant
Mississippi Children's Museum
Grant Awarded: $3,500
Description: to support the Visiting Artist/Artist in Residence Program
Mississippi Children's Museum
Grant Awarded: $1,000
Description: to present Terrence Roberts and Puppet Art Theatre
Mississippi Families as Allies for Children's Mental
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: to support a summer art camp
Mississippi Girlchoir
Grant Awarded: $17,300
Description: for an Operating Grant
Mississippi Humanities Council
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: to support the Family Reading Bonds program
Mississippi Museum of Art
Grant Awarded: $27,000
Description: for an Operating Grant
Mississippi Opera Association, Inc.
Grant Awarded: $17,300
Description: for an Operating Grant
Mississippi Puppetry Guild, Inc.
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: to support a season of performances
Mississippi Symphony Orchestra
Grant Awarded: $27,000
Description: for an Operating Grant
Mississippi Symphony Orchestra
Grant Awarded: $5,000
Description: to support the National Link UP! arts education partnership with Carnegie Hall
New Stage Theatre
Grant Awarded: $17,300
Description: for an Operating Grant
Parents for Public Schools of Jackson
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: for an artist residency
Paul Fayard
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: for a Visual Arts Fellowship
Peter Zapletal
Grant Awarded: $500
Description: to attend the Great Plains Regional Puppet Festival
Poindexter Elementary
Grant Awarded: $413
Description: to present New Stage Theatre
PRIYDE Institute
Grant Awarded: $3,500
Description: for a performance series and workshops
Robby Piantanida
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: for a Media Arts Fellowship
Roy Adkins
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: for a Visual Arts Fellowship
Saint Richard Catholic School
Grant Awarded: $1,500
Description: for a Model Whole Schools grant
Saint Richard Catholic School
Grant Awarded: $800
Description: to present Stephanie Artz
Saint Richard Catholic School
Grant Awarded: $3,000
Description: to continue arts integration training
Steve Kistulentz
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: for a Literary Arts Fellowship
Steven Wells Hicks
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: for a Literary Arts Fellowship
The Center for Education Innovation
Grant Awarded: $1,000
Description: to present Puppet Arts Theatre
The Mississippi Chorus
Grant Awarded: $14,000
Description: for an Operating Grant
USA International Ballet Competition
Grant Awarded: $27,000
Description: for an Operating Grant
Madison County
Craftsmen's Guild of Mississippi, Inc.
Grant Awarded: $23,000
Description: for an Operating Grant
Grady Champion
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: for a Folk Arts Fellowship
Mississippi Metropolitan Ballet Company
Grant Awarded: $14,300
Description: for an Operating Grant
St. Anthony Catholic School
Grant Awarded: $10,400
Description: for a Whole Schools grant
Rankin County
Dorothy Moore
Grant Awarded: $4,000
Description: for a Folk Arts Fellowship
Laura Tarbutton
Grant Awarded: $500
Description: to attend a workshop
Martha Scarborough
Grant Awarded: $500
Description: to attend a workshop
Town of Pelahatchie
Grant Awarded: $3,300
Description: to support the Muscadine Jubilee Festival
Mississippi Artist Roster additions
• Bridget Archer Performing Arts Company
• Chung-Fan Chang
• Derrick Martin
• Front Porch Dance
• John Paul
• Johnny Burgess
• Katrina Byrd
• Lannie Spann McBride
• Legacy Irish Music
• New Stage Theatre
• Randy K. Mapes
• Rick Anderson
• Scott Albert Johnson
• Shawn Leopard & John Paul
• Tom Harmon
Madison County
• Bill and Temperance
Rankin County
• Anne Dennis
• Lyle Wynn