Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Miss Doodle Mae: "Because of the recent escalation of bombings in Boston, Mass., and explosions in West, Texas, Jojo asked me to organize an emergency staff meeting. Miss Wanda, a new senior-citizen staff member, was quite nervous about this recent trend of violence in America. She wanted to take a sick day to calm her nerves. Instead, she decided to face her fears and attend today's staff meeting at Jojo's Discount Dollar Store.
"I now give up the floor so that Jojo can speak."
Jojo: "In times like these, I reflect on the many unfortunate events we have experienced over the last 50 years. The baby-boom generation should already know them. I remember some tragic bombing events in American cities like Birmingham, Tulsa and New York City. Many times I've watched newscasters announce assassinations of great leaders. Also, I realize that we live in a violent society where people want to live peacefully. And as long as we live, love, play and work, we must endure the evil of this world and do our best to eliminate it with good.
"I'm happy to see the loyal Jojo's Discount Dollar Store staff always ready to serve the people during this time of madness and sadness. Also, I advise you all to pray for the victims and do what you can to end evil and inhumanity in this society."
Miss Doodle Mae: "Jojo's words calmed the worried staff. Now, it's time to open up Jojo's Discount Dollar Store, where everything is still a dollar, despite the madness."