Ten Years On


Ken Stiggers

This week, I have decided to write a guide to the Stiggers column instead of a satirical opinion regarding the George Zimmerman verdict. For now, I am not inclined to see any humor or express an opinion on this case. For almost 10 years, I have written satire to hopefully reform people, society and myself. For example, in a column titled "McScruffie, The Crime Dog," published Aug. 31, 2003, I humorously addressed the issue of crime being associated with society's suspicion of poor and ethnic minorities.

In the satirical style of Jonathan Swift's classic essay titled "A Modest Proposal," I wrote about anti-crime mascot McScruffie promoting the M.D.B.A. (My Dog Bites A$$) Home Security System protecting suburbanites from wandering, toothless crack fiends and handkerchief-head-wrapped juveniles on bikes. The Pre-emptive Strike Force/Shoot First Ask Questions Later Crime Watch Association created the M.D.B.A. Home Security System. Does this sound familiar?

Also, on Oct. 2, 2003, the Jackson Free Press published a column I wrote titled "Anegrophobia" (A-Negro-Phobia). I wrote that column in response to a racial profiling incident a coworker experienced in Jackson. In it, I expressed how Anegrophobia (fear of African Americans) affects everyone, including African-Americans. Does this sound familiar?

In my humble opinion, not a lot has happened regarding how folks get along in this country and around the world in the 10 years I've been waiting since I wrote those columns.

Meanwhile, I will continue write satire and hope for the best.

Peace, love and understanding,

Ken Stiggers

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