Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Big Larry Jones: "Broadcasting from the Ghetto Science Public Television studios, I'm Big Larry, Bonqweesha's favorite uncle, sitting in on 'Qweesha Live 2013.' My guest is Scooby 'Angry Black Man' Rastus, Ghetto Science Team community activist and rising literary figure. Scooby is here to promote his first self-published, chapbook/novel titled 'One Day in the Life of Scooby: Living Poor, Broke and Busted in the Ghetto is Like Serving Time in the Gulag Archipelago.'
"The title of this book sounds like a bold attempt to impart to the reader some of your deep thoughts and controversial opinions."
Scooby Rastus: "You're right, Big Larry. I wrote this book to make folk aware of the everyday struggles of poor and middle-class people. I hope that my little self-published chapbook will make an impact like Alexandr Solzhenitsyn's book 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.'
"In my book I vividly describe the real life of hardship of an angry black man's fight to survive one day of looking for work, avoiding bill collectors' phone calls, meeting the needs of his family, maintaining his health, etcetera. My point is to inspire the common man and woman to survive today's oppressive society just like Ivan Denisovich endured the oppression inside a Soviet Russia prison camp."
Big Larry Jones: "Scooby, what you said made me think of the profound lyrics from the R&B group called WAR: 'It is true that for me and you, the world is a ghetto.'"