Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Name: Anna Kathryn milling Age: 22 Job: Sales and in-house graphic design at Swell-o-phonic. Photo by Trip Burns
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As a kid, I wanted to work at Pixar. It was a pretty big dream of mine for a while. That would have to be a pretty awesome job.
Describe your workday in three words.
Hectic. Busy. Messy.
What tools could you not live or work without?
I could not live without my MacBook Pro, for graphic design; my calculator because I'm terrible when it comes to math; or without my vacuum, because I'm OCD when it comes to this store.
What steps brought you to this position?
Well, I grew up with the manager. We went to church together. I'm here so often that the coffee house next door should make me pay rent. It only makes sense that I'd work here.
What's the strangest aspect of your job?
The strangest part of my job would have to be when I'm emotionally shot down by the dog because he doesn't love me back.
What's the best thing about your job?
The best things about my job would have to be the people--the customers and my co-
What advice do you have for others who would like to do what you do?
Well, if you're a chatty person and you ask someone how their day was because you genuinely care about how their day was, then you should work in sales.