Survival of the Poorest


Ken Stiggers

Boneqweesha Jones: "Live from the Hair Did University School of Cosmetology and Vocational Studies television production studio, it's a special edition of 'Qweesha 2013'. The topic for tonight's show is 'Survival of the Poorest.' My guest is Mo'tel Williams, super producer, entertainment publicist, announcer, herbal Viagra distributor and co-author of the 'Poor People's Survival Guide Booklet.'

"Mo'tel, in your survival guide booklet, you suggest that poor folk will have to 'sacrifice to survive' in a society of greed and selfishness. Haven't the poor sacrificed enough?"

Mo'tel Williams: "Rich folk, corporations and the government want the poor to sacrifice more. For example, some politicians want poor workers to sacrifice their overtime pay. Congress is pushing so-called 'comp time' legislation that allows employers to stop giving workers extra pay for overtime work. So, in my 'Poor People's Survival Guide Booklet,' I have a chapter describing what poor working people will sacrifice during this financially challenging period."

Boneqweesha Jones: "So, how will the poor survive?"

Mo'tel Williams: "The poor will survive by patronizing businesses that treat workers and customers fairly. Spend money wisely. Express concerns and complaints to political representatives, businesses and corporations. Encourage family, friends and community members to work together and respect each other. Therefore, poor folk must sacrifice their apathy and learn how to survive and counter act corporate exploitation and government marginalization."

Boneqweesha Jones: "And Lynne Cheney did not write a poignant standard English introduction for the Poor People's Survival Guide Booklet."

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