Wednesday, November 6, 2013
This Chitterling Season, Pork-N-Piggly Supermarket will make the holiday season affordable and educational for financially challenged customers. Along with lower prices on your favorite holiday foods, Pork-N-Piggly Supermarket will offer free pre-holiday workshops in food preparation and home decoration.
Look out for Chef Fat Meat's "Squeaky Clean Chitterling Cleaning" workshop and "Make the Meat Last" carving seminar in Pork-N-Piggly's meat and produce section.
Brother Hustle loves to sell his loyal customers plenty of ice-cold Juicy Juice. During the holiday season, he enjoys sharing his delicious holiday hot toddy and eggnog recipes in the beverage isle.
Reverend Vegan of the Vegetarian Church International asked if he could show customers how TO prepare and cook healthy holiday foods in the veggies and fruit section.
Clubb Chicken Wing's Little Momma Roscoe will be in the poultry section ready to share her insights on making the perfect hot-wing holiday party platter.
In the hardware section, Lady "Fancy" McBride will show budget-conscious poor folk how to decorate their personal and family spaces for the holidays.
Pork-N-Piggly Supermarket is here to make your holidays pleasant.
Happy Chitterling Season!