What the Heck Is An IBA?


It's an independent business alliance, and Jackson really needs one. Sure, we have business organizations such as chambers of commerce, but they are not primarily and exclusively serving interests of small, locally owned businesses. (And they're part of the powerful U.S. Chamber, which means a strong political agenda.) A local business should belong to the chamber (The JFP does), but needs an alliance of business owners who understand our unique concerns.

The American Independent Business Alliance (amiba.net) is a national umbrella of smaller groups around the country that focus on why shopping local is so vital to community and business health.

Amiba says IBAs accomplish goals in three major ways (verbatim):

  1. Public education about the greater overall value local independents often can provide (even when they are not the cheapest) as well as the vital economic, social and cultural role independent businesses play in the community.
  2. Facilitating cooperative promotion, advertising, purchasing, sharing of skills and resources and other activities to help local businesses gain economies of scale and compete more effectively.
  3. Creating a strong and uncompromised voice to speak for local independents in the local government and media while engaging citizens in guiding the future of their community through democratic action.

If you're a local business owner who wants to help start an IBA, reach out to JFP Publisher Todd Stauffer at [email protected] for information.

See also:

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