It’s A Mean Old World


Ken Stiggers

Scooby "Angry Black Man" Rastus: "At this point in my life, I have had many interesting and provoking thoughts. Recently, my inspiration came while listening to 'The Message' by Grand Master Flash and the Furious Five, on the 'Aunt Tee Tee Hustle Affordable, Refurbished Ghetto Ringtone Smartphone.'   "I received an epiphany from a simple verse: 'I think it'd be cheaper if I just got a job, learned to be a street sweeper.'

"Immediately, I had a flashback of when I was a young Scooby at Cootie Creek County High School. I had an interesting talk with a Mr. Solomon Davidson, a war veteran, visual artist, shade-tree auto mechanic and part-time custodian. I will always remember his random yet insightful words."

Mr. Solomon Davidson: "Little Scooby, It's a mean old world. One day, you will realize that most folk will not care how they will treat you. Just do the best you can each day, help someone along the way.  And, in time, your star will shine. As you get older, life becomes more complicated. So don't get so caught up in the rat race. Also, remember to prioritize, simplify and eliminate."

Scooby "Angry Black Man" Rastus: "I followed wise Mr. Solomon Davidson's random advice and took heed of the verse from the Message. Today, I live peacefully because listened to some good advice.

"Now, as the new part-time custodian at Cootie Creek County High School, I'm obligated to inspire a new generation of little Scoobies."

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