Domestic-Violence Victims Can Waive Utility Deposits

Mississippi domestic-violence victims can now overcome a major hurdle to starting a new life away from their abusers.

The Mississippi Public Service Commission this afternoon agreed to provide a 60-day utility deposit waiver for people who are certified as victims of domestic violence by a shelter.

The cost associated with deposits for gas, electricity and telephone service is one of the reasons abused people remain with their victimizers.

Northern District Commissioner Brandon Presley has been pushing the measure for some time.

“For me and my colleagues, when we see that the Commission was granted the power by law to protect the welfare of our most vulnerable citizens through a modest requirement of the utilities we regulate, we see it as our duty to follow through. No one should have to remain in a dangerous situation because they don’t immediately have the money on hand for a utility deposit. This rule just gives some breathing room for victims to make that decision to leave easier, while still protecting utilities and their customers,” Presley said through a statement to the news media.

The new rule comes one day after video footage of Ray Rice, a professional football player, was suspended indefinitely from the NFL after a video of Rice attacking his then-fiancé went viral. Previously, Rice had received a two-game suspension for violently hitting the woman he planned to marry. The release of the Rice video has sparked a national conversation about domestic violence.

Presley said his rule was modeled on similar measures in Louisiana and Texas, "but goes further in protection of confidentiality of victim’s identities and prevention of shifting costs to other utility customers" and will take effect 30 days after the PSC files the rule with the Secretary of State’s office.

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