Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Big Roscoe: "Little Momma Roscoe conducted a Clubb Chicken Wing customer survey during last week's Hot Wing Happy Hour. Our customers, who are fans of television shows like 'Empire,' suggested that Clubb Chicken Wing have a weekly big flat-screen television viewing party and Hot Wing Happy Hour.
"Little Momma Roscoe agreed with the suggestion, but she wanted to add a critical-thinking and media literacy session after the show. The customers were cool with Little Momma Roscoe's idea. Therefore, I'm proud to announce that starting next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night, Clubb Chicken Wing will have its 'Empire, Scandal and How to get Away with Murder Weekly Hot Wing Happy Hour Viewing Party,' followed by a 'Media Literacy and Critical-Thinking Session.'
"Little Momma Roscoe has scheduled experts from the Ghetto Science Communications Commission to host the media-literacy and critical-thinking sessions. The purpose of the sessions is to empower passive recipients of media information and transform them into critical thinkers able to analyze and evaluate the gimmicky, slick use of the communications media to play on emotions.
"Little Momma Roscoe's desire is to raise the consciousness of individuals who are influenced by sugarcoated lies coming from the mean machine running the same game with another name.
"Come join us at Clubb Chicken Wing's 'Weekly Hot Wing Happy Hour TV Viewing Party, Media Literacy and Critical Thinking Session', where critical thinkers go to have a good time. We'll see you there."