Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Mr. Announcement: "From the producers of the hit Ghetto Science TV shows 'Law-N-Order in an S.U.V.' and 'All God's Churn Got Shoes' is an edgy crime investigation, drama and reality show with a potentially catchy name. Look out for 'The Booty MacDrawers Crime Scene Investigations and Murder Mysteries,' coming this fall on the new Ghetto Science Team for Truth and Justice Television Network."
Booty MacDrawers: "What's going down on this side of town? Justice, baby! This is your crime-scene investigation and forensic specialist ready to bring justice and truth to the community. I have a great team of skilled individuals to help me solve crimes against the common man and woman.
"Watch out for cameo appearances from the self-proclaimed resident forensic scientist, Dr. Peanut of the George Washington Carver Holistic Health Commission of Tuskegee, Alabama.
"Aunt Tee Tee Hustle is my go-to cyber crime specialist. She will administer justice toward all hackers, spammers, phishers and identity thieves who prey on poor folk.
"My legal forensic justice team consists of lawyers Cootie McBride, Johnnie 'Cochran' McBride and Charlie 'Charles Houston' McBride.
"My partner-in-crime scene investigator is Christie 'Love' McBride, the foxy and intelligent detective with the best-looking Afro in the land.
'''The Booty MacDrawers Crime Scene Investigations and Murder Mysteries' show will investigate corporate criminals, kidnappers, abusers, perpetrators and more.
"Watch Booty MacDrawers and Christie 'Love' McBride bring justice into your home and to the people on the new Ghetto Science Team for Truth and Justice Television Network."