Albert Wilson

Why does Ward 3 need you on the Jackson City Council right now?

I have a proven track record of positively impacting our city. I have written and implemented budgets, completed payrolls, created jobs and services, written grants, managed funds, marketed and managed a business, and developed diversified funding sources utilizing grants, admissions, rentals, fees, donations, fundraisers, concerts, and sporting events. I love Jackson and citizens of Jackson. I bring with me a plethora of fresh ideas and an innovative vision concerning economic development, youth engagement, crime prevention, and community development. I have taken what some would consider nothing and used that little to accomplish much and benefit many example being the Genesis and Light Center.

Provide one or two examples of when you have been an advocate for Ward 3 in your personal or professional life. What was the result?

I took an abandoned furniture store and turned it into a state of the arts community center, which I named Genesis and Light Center because it is the beginning of enlightenment for our communities. I have been a voice to the voiceless, help to the helpless, hands to needy, and encouragement to the discouraged. I am a living example of economic and community development. For the past 20 years I have dedicated my life to improving the lives and living conditions of the citizens of Ward 3.

The results include, but are not limited to, the following:

o I have helped over 20,000 youth to stay in school, resist alcohol and drugs; not counting the individuals that received support via satellite sites in Natchez, Yazoo City, Tunica, Forest, Canton, and Greenville

o Hosted numerous education and recreational events that benefited the community

o Given access to technology to over 1,000 people who didn’t have a computer, printer or fax. Giving some the ability to complete on-line employment applications and explore higher education/post-secondary employment opportunities

o Organized seminars and workshops to countless adults and youth

o Offered services and activities to help improve the quality of living of seniors citizens and individuals with disabilities through the establishing of Genesis and Light’s senior social program.

o Attempted to reintroduce the arts into the school system (e.g., stage plays)

o Have employed over 150 people and helped another 50 people to find employment indirectly by assisting them in developing skills from their volunteer services and referring them to people and companies I know.

o Offered Volunteer Opportunities to over 200 people just last year alone

In the past year or so, what was the most important vote the Jackson city council has taken for Ward 3? How would you have voted and why? What is the most pressing issue for Ward 3 currently facing the city council?

I contested the approval of the late Mayor Chokwe Lumumba’s proposal to raise water and sewer rates in which was passed by a majority vote of the Jackson City Council. He proposed that the increases were necessary in light of the city's crumbling infrastructure and a $380 million consent decree from the Environmental Protection Agency to fix the wastewater management system. The average Jacksonian’s water bill increased by around $21.17. The impact of that increase was felt in 2014. The constituency of Ward 3 wasn’t for the increase and neither was I therefore I would have voted against the increase. I was not comfortable with the plan presented and I felt the Mayor and the council could have come up with another way of raising these funds and they did with the 1% sales tax increase.

The most pressing issue for Ward 3 is crime. The residence of my ward deserve to live in an environment that is conducive for school, work, shop, play, or to simply relax at home. My crime prevention plan will go hand and hand with my economic development plan. One will have a direct effect on the other.

If you could propose one ordinance that would greatly improve the quality of life for people in Ward 3, what would it be?

I would implement an ordinance designed to keep kids from skipping school. The ordinance will target parents of chronically absent children. This ordinance would require that students between six and 17 years old be in school. My goal is not to prosecute our young people or parents but I am seeking to change the behavior and the requirement to attend school from age six to 17. Kids' education is very important to me and we know education is the key to success for all that are enrolled in a public, private or charter school. This would be my first step in a larger effort to hold parents accountable for “educational neglect.”

I want to also opening Lake Hico as a recreational and tourist spot to give our youth a place to go instead of just hanging out during the summer months. I will seek grants, investors, or whatever it will take to reopen Lake Hico to all of the Jackson public. Lake Hico is a human-made reservoir, constructed in 1957 to serve as a cooling pond. Back in the 1960s, it was once opened only to whites for recreational use. In 1968 Lake Hico was closed to the public for recreation shortly after blacks began to use the lake and it has remained closed to this day. An official reason for its closing was never given. I hope to muster enough support to reopen the lake to all people for recreation.

If you are unsuccessful in winning the Ward 3 race, how will you support the elected council member and Ward 3?

I will continue dedicating my time and expertise in helping economically depressed children, families, and communities of Jackson. I will continue doing my part to help break the cycle of poverty, violence, and helplessness, and continue to developed self-help programs that focus on strengthening students, families, and the community emotionally, financially, physically, intellectually and spiritually. I will continue assisting in the implementation of projects that promote education, values, positive attitudes and high levels of self-esteem, and encourages citizens to avoid alcohol, drugs, crime, and other delinquent behaviors. I will continue to create services that are normally non-accessible, unaffordable, or simply don't exist, and link individuals to agencies they are in need of.

With or without the title of councilman, I will continuously give back to my community and serve as a motivational speaker, mentor and a positive role model to inner-city youth.

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