Pam Greer

Why does Ward 3 need you on the Jackson City Council right now?

Ward 3 needs an accessible, dependable, and reliable City Councilwoman that will voice the concerns of her constituents and attend the remaining fifty-nine combined City Council meetings. Electing Pam Greer allows Ward 3 residents to receive a new structure for a strong future on an old foundation. It allows Ward 3 residents to receive a youth job training program, community beautification projects, community services, small business development, and a collaborative effort with Jackson Police Department and Hinds County Sheriff Department. Additionally, I will push a revitalization plan to make Medgar Evers Blvd, Martin L. King Drive, and Livingston Road a place to dine, shop and relax with family and friends, again. Under my leadership, I will consistently work to strengthen the local business community, improve public transportation, and attract new businesses to Ward 3. I will continuously work to resolve constituents’ problems and concerns that will birth change in Ward 3 and all of Jackson.

Under my leadership, our greatest days are ahead of us. We will win, succeed and grow together now. We are the future. And the future is now by electing Pam Greer as Ward 3 City Councilwoman Tuesday, January 27th.

Provide one or two examples of when you have been an advocate for Ward 3 in your personal or professional life. What was the result?

Since 2010, I have actively advocated against violence by implementing numerous Stop the Violence themed events across Jackson. These events allow residents and community activists to unite and discuss the community issues and frustration of violence to our elected officials. We use these events to seek solutions to our ongoing problems in Jackson by expressing ourselves in peaceful manners. I have personally implemented an estimated sixty ‘Stop the Violence’ themed programs such as Stop the Violence Rallies, Concerts, Gospel Concert, Teen Summits, Seminars, and ‘Hooping against Violence’ Basketball Game using my personal money to keep the program going in Jackson.

A second example of my advocacy in Ward 3 relates to community camps created to prevent teenager mischief during summer months. The past two summers, I have volunteered to teach middle school students skills regarding conflict-resolution, communication, decision-making, teamwork, and entrepreneurship. This has helped students recognize, understand and respond to the various situations that they may face at home or school. The students monitor their progress and present their final group project at the end of the program.

In the past year or so, what was the most important vote the Jackson city council has taken for Ward 3? How would you have voted and why? What is the most pressing issue for Ward 3 currently facing the city council?

That is precisely why I am running—because Ward 3’s unique issues have not been addressed by the Jackson City Council. I do support the renaming of a city park to honor the late Mayor Chokwe Lumumba that was proposed by former Councilwoman LaRita Cooper-Stokes. However, the unique issues of Ward 3 have not been addressed and will require immediate attention.

There are numerous pressing issues in Ward 3. In my opinion, the most pressing issue for Ward 3 is abandon homes. Under my leadership, I will work to find solutions to the large number of abandoned homes. Our future in Ward 3 is dependent on three things: responsibility, sustainability, and fixing the broken structures in our ward.

If you could propose one ordinance that would greatly improve the quality of life for people in Ward 3, what would it be?

As a City Councilwoman, I would introduce numerous ordinances to improve Ward 3 and Jackson as a whole. My main ordinance will focus on nightclubs –broadly defined as an establishment that serves alcoholic beverages and provides entertainment, such as music, games, performances and dancing. The Nightclub Ordinance will address and reduce criminal activity at Adult Cabaret, Bars, Clubs, and Nightclubs in Jackson, Mississippi.

The Nightclub Ordinance will address one or more acts of violence resulting in physical injury or observed illegal drug activity occurring within an Adult Cabaret, Bars, Clubs and Nightclubs; outside the club on property or parking areas owned, leased, or on a street adjacent thereto.

Any incident occurring within the proceeding twelve (12) months of licensing, will face suspension, violation of ABC laws by the applicant, and revoking of licenses until proper steps are taken to effectively make the business safe to local and visiting patrons. Adult Cabaret, Bars, Clubs, and Nightclubs that have operated for more than one year with more than five acts of violence will have its license revoked for one-year.

If you are unsuccessful in winning the Ward 3 race, how will you support the elected council member and Ward 3?

If I am unsuccessful in winning the Ward 3 race, I will continue implementing community awareness, crime-prevention events and proposing ordinances, as I have done before and after the previous election.

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