For Mississippi to Progress, Health Care Has to Become Issue No. 1


Duvalier Malone

Health care in Mississippi is inadequate. Our state hasn't experienced any significant reform in decades, but this isn't because of a lack of effort. It's just that politics continue to get in the way when it comes to Mississippians’ health.

Since the election of President Trump, many Republicans have celebrated what they see as the end of the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare). Congressman Gregg Harper is one of the leaders of this charge, voicing to his constituents that "Americans should no longer be punished by Obamacare."

But I say to Congressman Harper that this demonization of the Affordable Care Act, which is an American law, helps no one. In fact, it hurts us all.

More than a quarter of Mississippians don't have health care. These are not just Democrats or just Republicans. These are Mississippians who live below the poverty line and simply can't afford the high costs of health insurance. Medicaid was put into place to help alleviate the pressures that afflict low-income families, but the laws governing access to it are stringent. Qualifications for Medicaid coverage rely on income, household size, disability, family status and other factors. Adults are denied coverage unless they have children. Even then, the laws are extremely strict: You can't be covered unless you make less than 23 percent of the federal poverty level. This comes out to approximately $384 a month for a family of three.

Medicaid expansion, a facet of the ACA, was touted as a way to help those who were too poor to qualify for the subsidized health insurance that the law offers. This expansion would have immediately helped those who previously didn't qualify for Medicaid, because the expansion would grant coverage based on income alone. Residents would qualify if their income was less than 133 percent of the federal income level.

But thanks to the Supreme Court‘s ruling in 2012, states can choose to opt out of the Medicaid expansion. Gov. Phil Bryant decided that Mississippi would join 19 other states and do that. These decisions were largely based on political loyalties.

I have family in Mississippi, many of whom deal with health concerns: diabetes, heart disease and obesity. They are hardworking men and women who, through no fault of their own, are unable to afford one of the rights of all humanity: the access to affordable health care.

They are unable to receive basic preventive care, which would perhaps help them better treat ailments before they become extremely costly. Their health should not be penalized simply because they weren't born with the proverbial silver spoon in their mouths.

Is the Affordable Care Act perfect? No, it's not. It requires a lot of work to make it both accessible and manageable for the average person, but to declare the abolishment of this law altogether is brash and irresponsible. We cannot let party lines dictate our moral conscience.

Mississippi is a very religious state, a part of the esteemed Bible belt. We all go to church every Sunday, where our pastor preaches to us from the pulpit on the necessity of helping our fellow man and woman. Our pastors tell us that this is our moral duty. If that’s true, then how can we rationalize our refusal to back a law that has saved lives and has the potential to save many more?

At its core, the Affordable Care Act is designed to drive down the cost of health insurance, but this only works if all of us support this measure. If all Americans buy insurance through the Affordable Care Act, the idea is that the healthy customers will balance out the ill customers, thereby keeping insurance costs low, since everyone is doing their part.

The only reason this concept has been lost is because of the constant deriding and political attacks that are designed to turn the public against the ACA.

After Jan. 20, President Donald Trump and the Republican Party will have the opportunity to make bold, strident moves to show the American public that they are on our side. This is our chance to free ourselves from the mire of division and political gamesmanship for the sake of our state. The Republicans will have the opportunity to show that their party is working for the best interests of all Mississippians and all Americans.

But they can't show good will towards us while plunging a knife into a law that was designed to help us. This is why the demonization of the Affordable Care act must stop.

The political support that many in the Republican Party have gotten in their quest to trounce Obamacare is ill-gotten. It is solely based on the ignorance of many Americans, who declare their support for the Affordable Care Act while denouncing Obamacare in the same breath. They don't realize that they are one and the same.

I appeal to our elected officials as a constituent and as an American: I implore you to use this great mantle of elected office that has been granted you to inform the people. It is immoral to benefit from misinformation.

The deck is already stacked against Mississippi. We have the highest poverty rate of 22 percent and the lowest life expectancy of 74.5 years. All of us, whether we are elected officials or residents, must do our part to make this state a better place.

If we say that we want to make America great, then we must start by making health care our number one priority.

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