The Hustlers’ Time of Year


Ken Stiggers

Brother Hustle: "Welcome to another Compensatory Investment Request Support Group meeting. To paraphrase the words of my favorite funk group WAR: 'Summer time is here / Yes, it's summer, the hustlers' time of year.' I would like to start the Compensatory Investment Request Support Group's Summer Hustle 2016 with some members willing to answer the question: What is your summer hustle?"

Mr. Ice Creamy Man: "I decided to change how I sell and serve cool and creamy treats to my customers by going 'au naturel.' Mrs. Ice Creamy Woman and I will churn up lots of homemade ice cream and smoothies on the Ice Creamy truck.

"My Yall Mart Homemade Ice Cream Maker and the Brother Shot Gun Smoothie Machine will produce tasty ice cream and smoothie products made with almond milk, coconut water and natural sweeteners. And, I have plenty of cups, containers, spoons, etc.

"Also, Mrs. Ice Creamy Woman has mass-produced approximately 1,000 homemade ice-cream cones. I'm looking forward to a profitable summer hustle selling our customers affordable and healthy ice creamy treats."

Lady Fancy McBride: "I am collaborating with the tech-savvy Aunt Tee Tee Hustle to create an affordable fashion, beauty tips and style website. Filmmaker Kunta 'Rahsheed X' Toby will produce my Fancy Lady Video Blogs to post on my YouTube channel and website.

"Also, look for the premiere of my 'Fancy Ladies in Style' fashion magazine. That's my hustle for 2016."

Brother Hustle: "Fellow hustlers, be inspired, and let's get ready to hustle!"

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