Getting Ready for the ‘Mother of All Bombs’


Ken Stiggers

Mr. Announcement: "Ghetto Science Public Affairs Network television presents coverage of Clubb Chicken Wing's Emergency Preparedness and Strategic Planning Hot Wing Happy Hour. Your moderator for this session is Congressman Smokey 'Robinson' McBride."

Smokey "Robinson" McBride: "This is my lament regarding an end to strategic patience. We witness a nerve-gas attack killing innocent people, followed by bombs and the "Mother of All Bombs." In Atlanta, Ga., highway infrastructures burn and collapse, and a homeless crack addict gets blamed. Loyal constituents of the Ghetto Science Community, don't you see the warnings? These images and sounds of violence and destruction cloud my mind with uncertainty. We definitely live in dangerous times.

"Then, I hear my late great-granny McBride always referring to a quote from the book of Matthew, chapter 24, verses 6-8: 'You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.'"

"This is why I want us to develop a plan to prepare our community for the casualties of these wars and rumors of wars. I'm talking about building fallout shelters, food pantries, etc.

Right now, I am on 'Life is Like a Box of Chocolates' mode. I want our community to be ready the next time another 'Mother of All Bombs' drops."

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