The Mississippi 40: New Music for the New Year

There is never a shortage of music in Mississippi, with countless concerts, showcases and open mics taking place around the state on a daily basis. Since the live music scene slows down a bit over the holiday season, we put together a list featuring new music that Mississippi artists have released over the past few months. Here are 40 new albums, EPs and singles to check out in the New Year.

Anse Rigby—"All Along" (album)

Argiflex & Vexadrem—"2K17 Split" (singles)

Ariel Blackwell—"Damsel" (EP)

Bad Magic—"Lord of the Horde" (single)

Ben Ford & K. Gautier—"Immanuel (All Our Wandering)" (single)

Big Josh—"If Only You Knew" (EP)

Big K.R.I.T.—"4eva Is a Mighty Long Time" (album)

Blk Crwn—"Black Crown" (album)

Brent Varner—"Waiting on the Weekend" (single)

Brynn Corbello—"Close" (single)

CLOTHES—"Dear Bobbie White" (album)

Codetta South—"If I Could Be Her Man" (single)

Cody Rogers—"I Feel a Darkness" (single)

the CUT—"Citronella" (album)

Della Memoria—"Yours" (single)

DJ Breakem Off—"DJ Breakem Off Presents: The Mash Ups Vol. 2" (album)

The DLX—"Two Kids" (single)

The Empty Handed Painters—"Lungless" (album)

Floridamen—"Four" (EP)

Goth Dad—"Goth Dad" (EP)

Hanabi—"Drown" (single)

The Hero and a Monster—"Saved?" (single)

Him Horrison—"From the Pulpit" (album)

Hotel Honey—"Hotel Honey" (album)

J.F. Oakes—"West of Capricorn" (album)

J. Skyy—"Feelings" (single)

Jake Wood—"Jake Wood 7-inch Lathe Cut" (record)

James Crow—"Devil Music" (album)

Kicking—"KICKING" (EP)

Larry Brewer—"Shine" (album)

Lisbon Deaths—"Plate" (EP)

Louis Gearshifter Youngblood—"Louis Gearshifter Youngblood" (album)

Metaphive—"The John Lennon Effect" (album)

P. Lo Jetson—"The True Meaning of Christmas" (single)

Schaefer Llana—"49 Ceiling Tiles" (album)

Seth Power—"Magnolia Soul" (EP)

Timaal Bradford—"Love & Other Drugs" (album)

The Villetown Mountain Army Brigade—"The Battle" (album)

Wavorly—"Movement One" (EP)

Yung Jewelz—"Hipster Logic" (album)

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