Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Brother Hustle: "Welcome to this very important Compensatory Investment Request Support Group meeting. While democracy transitions into an oligarchy, the common, poor and financially challenged communities must brace themselves for a severe beatdown. The politicians' cutbacks will become the people's setback in the areas of economics, health care, education, housing, etc.
"Therefore, it's the Compensatory Investment Request Support Group's duty to help neglected, rejected and disappointed citizens survive the upcoming 'onslaught of oppression' on the poor. Because we know what's going down on this side of town, it's time for the support group to activate a comprehensive education and empowerment program for the common folk called Operation C.O.O.P., also known as Counteract the Onslaught of Oppression on the Poor.
"The Compensatory Investment Request Support Group's first mission to counter the onslaught of oppression is to develop the Hustle Care Act, an alternative to the politician's repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
"Our group will hustle up a health-care system that poor people can afford and use, and they will be truly cared for by compassionate physicians like Dr. Jonas Salk, the man who developed the polio cure with no interest in personal profit. When asked who owned the patent to the cure, Dr. Salk replied, 'There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?'
"So, if anyone from this support group knows a compassionate doctor like Dr. Salk, bring him or her to the next Compensatory Investment Request Support Group. Remember: All Trump Supporters are cordially invited to attend."