Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Nurse Tootie McBride: "Welcome to the Focus on Health Care Town Hall Meeting.
"The politicians are diligent, persistent and determined to establish a health-care oligarchy. The tables are tilted toward the rich, and the game is rigged against the poor. Common folk from all walks of life are angry and have lost confidence in the principles of truth, justice and the American way. 
While the president wants to put certain Americans first, I want residents of the Ghetto Science Community to focus on affordable and accessible health care for themselves.
"Now, imagine purchasing medicine at no more than $10 per prescription. Affordable drugs will become a reality because the Ghetto Science Medical Committee and Aunt 'Tee Tee' Hustle, computer guru and technology expert, will establish an affordable prescription network. All I have to say is: 'Come and get your 30-day supply of affordable blood-pressure medicine.'
"Visualize an affordable co-pay for a doctor visit. How about no co-pay? This might come true because compassionate doctors like doctors Marcus 'Welby' McBride and Ben 'Casey' McBride are willing to provide inexpensive medical services for the working poor.
"Imagine a health-care system that does not discriminate against individuals with pre-existing conditions.
"Jesus and God Almighty would be pleased to know that doctors, nurses, and pharmacies have done to the least of these who are poor and sick.
"Affordable and accessible health care are a 'dream come true' away. Just believe and receive."