Mississippi Legislative Black Caucus Wants Recall of Troops from Border

The Mississippi Legislative Black Caucus asked Gov. Phil Bryant to remove the National Guard from the southern border while families are separated.

The Mississippi Legislative Black Caucus asked Gov. Phil Bryant to remove the National Guard from the southern border while families are separated. Photo by U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Rio Grande Valley Sector via AP

— The Mississippi Legislative Black Caucus is asking Gov. Phil Bryant to recall the Mississippi National Guard from the U.S.' southern border and refuse to send more troops.

In a hand-delivered letter to the governor's office, the caucus says it does not want any Mississippi troops at the border while the policy to separate families is in effect.

Around 2,300 migrant children have been separated from their families on the U.S' southern border since May 2018. On June 20, President Donald Trump signed an executive order ending the separation of families, creating a policy of family detention.

"While the president's executive order may temporarily pause the separation of families, we urge you to stand with governors across the country who, in a bipartisan manner, refuse to support the enforcement of this inhumane policy of jailing children," the letter says. "We pray you that you agree and Mississippi will stand on the right side of history."

The letter makes a plea to Bryant's understanding as a father and grandfather, asking him to think about the vulnerability of children. It also references the fact that the U.S. is a "nation of immigrants built by the hands of a mixture of races."

Sonya Williams Barnes, chair of the caucus, and 14 other members, a mixture of Senators and Representatives, signed the letter.

"This is not what Mississippi represents," the letter says. "We call on you to take action now."

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