Candidate Questionnaire: Michael Aycox

Michael Aycox is challenging Rep. Michael Ted Evans in the Democratic primary race to become the District 3 Representative in Congress.

Michael Aycox is challenging Rep. Michael Ted Evans in the Democratic primary race to become the District 3 Representative in Congress. Photo by Michael Aycox Campaign

Fast Facts About Michael Aycox

Election: Democratic U.S. House District 3 Primary

Age: 30

Family: Married

Place of Residence: Newton, Mississippi

Education: B.A. American History and Strategic Warfare

Work Experience: Police Officer / Navy Veteran

Current Job: Campaigning for Congress

The Jackson Free Press reached out to all candidates in the four Mississippi Congressional districts who are listed on a primary election ballot on June 5, regardless of whether they had a challenger or not. Each candidate received the same five-question questionnaire. We've published their responses in full below, with minimal edits for editorial/reader clarity only. The JFP did not copyedit or line-edit candidate responses. The views expressed by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views of the JFP.

Why does your district need you right now?

For too long equal representation has been inaccessible to the common citizens of Mississippi. Unless you are big business, a healthcare executive or already in the government; the average Mississippian’s voice has not been heard. I am tired of the politicians dividing and bullying the people of our State. My district needs people that will stand up against inequality and injustice. We need accountability and transparency for our elected. I cannot undertake this alone, I need your help. If you want to make a difference, if you feel called to be a part of a movement, or you want to be a part of the future; I am asking that you join us and volunteer. Join our team and let us make a difference. Click on the Volunteer button on the and let us change Mississippi together.

Provide one or two examples of when you have been an advocate in your personal or professional life.

While stationed in Jacksonville Florida serving in the US NAVY I served as a SAPR (sexual assault prevention and response) advocate. This role was established as a collateral duty to serve as a liaison for victims of Military Sexual Assault Trauma. I had numerous cases, where I served as a liaison on behalf of the victim to the command, the legal teams, investigative services, or whomever. While there have been many things that spark the desire to advocate on behalf of others, this was one of the most humbling experiences of my adult life. To be the strength for the weak, the punching bag for the angry, and the courage for those who have lost comfort within themselves.

What is the most pressing issue for your district (or state)?

In one word opportunity. Jobs, education and Healthcare. If you are employed in Mississippi and you compare your wage to that of other states. You will learn that Mississippians are underpaid. However, many in Mississippi, are underemployed. I want to see Mississippi possess research, development, and technological jobs that stimulate growth. I want the see education attainable at low/ no cost to our citizens who strive for good grades. I want Mississippians to have quality healthcare that is low to no cost for Mississippians. We have an obligation to take care of our people and it is time we start doing so.

If you could propose one piece of legislation that would greatly improve the quality of life for people your district what would it be?

Have you ever heard about Interstate 14 also known as the 14th Amendment Highway? This was a proposed interstate highway that has started in Texas and is working its way across Louisiana and Mississippi.

This is where my fight will begin in the House. I believe that the creation and funding of this Interstate Highway System will not only stimulate growth for the Southwest region of our District but also stimulate the state economy by providing jobs and opportunity along the way.

If you are unsuccessful in winning your race, how specifically will you continue working on behalf of your district (or state)?

We are going to win, why would we think otherwise?

I have always stood up for the little guy. Our elected have an obligation to take care of our people. Their primary purpose is to serve! When you cross into Natchez, Mississippi the sign reads “service before self.” This should be the motto of every politician; local, state, or federal and they should utter those words daily as a reminder of their position. I will continue to fight for equality, against injustice, and for Mississippi.

Read more 2018 election stories at The JFP is still taking candidate questionnaires. Don't see your candidate? Tell them to email their questionnaire to [email protected].

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