Candidate Questionnaire: Michael Ted Evans

Rep. Michael Ted Evans will face Michael Aycox in the June 5 primary to be the Democratic challenger in the District 3 race to fill Rep. Gregg Harper’s seat in the House of Representatives.

Rep. Michael Ted Evans will face Michael Aycox in the June 5 primary to be the Democratic challenger in the District 3 race to fill Rep. Gregg Harper’s seat in the House of Representatives. Photo by Mississippi House of Representatives

Fast Facts About Michael Ted Evans

Election: Democratic U.S. House District 3 Primary

Age: 42

Family: Heather Evans- Wife Hannah Evans-Daughter

Place of Residence: Preston, MS Kemper County

Education: Graduated Nanih Waiya High School and Mississippi State Fire Academy

Work Experience/Current Job: Firefighter for the City of Philadelphia, Contract poultry grower for Peco Foods, and Mississippi House of Representatives.

The Jackson Free Press reached out to all candidates in the four Mississippi Congressional districts who are listed on a primary election ballot on June 5, regardless of whether they had a challenger or not. Each candidate received the same five-question questionnaire. We've published their responses in full below, with minimal edits for editorial/reader clarity only. The JFP did not copyedit or line-edit candidate responses. The views expressed by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views of the JFP.

Why does your district (for Senate candidates, your state) need you right now?

My district needs someone right now that is going to go to Washington and be willing to put the party politics aside and work for the people of the district. We have so many issues effecting Mississippi like infrastructure needs, healthcare, education, broadband internet for rural areas, and making sure social security and Medicare is protected for our senior citizens that it will take someone willing to do what is right by the people and for the people to get this done. That is why this district needs me.

Provide one or two examples of when you have been an advocate for your district (or state) in your personal or professional life. What was the result?

In my personal life I have been involved in my community all of my life. I am a professional fireman but I also take the time to volunteer in the local volunteer fire department in my community. One of the first pieces of legislation I got passed was to make sure every child knows CPR before they graduate high school. I am always involved in any event that is being held in my district that is for the betterment of our citizens. In my professional career as a legislature I have been a big supporter of public education, equal pay for women, creating better jobs for the people of my district, and the state lottery. I have introduced every piece of legislation that my local officials have asked me to do so that we can improve the quality of like for our area.

In the past year or so, what was the most important vote taken for your district (or state)? How would you have voted and why? What is the most pressing issue for your district (or state)?

The most pressing issue in our state right now is fixing our roads and bridges. We must come up with a plan to secure funding on the state and federal level so we will be able to start fixing our roads. One of the most important issues I supported this year in the state legislature was to reduce all of the mandated state testing our students have to take. I feel like we should let our teachers teach for the whole school year the curriculum that our children need instead of teaching three months out of the school year and then take test the rest of the time. If the ACT test is the test our students need to go to college then it should be the exit exam for children to graduate on.

If you could propose one piece of legislation that would greatly improve the quality of life for people your district (or state) what would it be?

One of the most pressing issues that the people of Mississippi are facing is affordable health insurance. We have too many people working day and night just to provide for their families. Congress needs to come together and come up with a good solution to fix the insurance cost in this nation. To many seniors are retiring and are qualified to receive Medicare but they can’t afford the supplemental insurance they need to cover the cost that Medicare will not cover. So I really believe if we fix the insurance and healthcare needs that the quality of life will improve in this state.

If you are unsuccessful in winning your race, how specifically will you continue working on behalf of your district (or state)?

If I win I will have an office in the east, central, and southern part of the district so that the citizens will have access to on a daily basis to help them with their needs. I will work with anyone in Washington that is ready to move this country forward in a positive way and put aside the party politics so that we can continue to be the greatest nation in the world.

Read more 2018 election stories at The JFP is still taking candidate questionnaires. Don't see your candidate? Tell them to email their questionnaire to [email protected].

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