Sunday, March 15, 2020
As of mid-day on March 15, 2020, Mississippi had 10 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, with two of them in Hinds County. The State had tested 90 people total. Source: MSDH
The Mississippi State Department of Health added four new confirmed cases of the coronavirus to its website this morning—two of them in the Jackson metro area of Hinds County, and the other two in Copiah and Pearl River counties, where a case in each county had already been announced.
As of mid-day March 15, MSDH reports that 90 Mississippians have been tested with 10 positive cases resulting—or a total of 11% testing positive.
So far, details about the new cases are unknown. We will update this post as we know more.
Please see our COVID-19 archive for more information on testing, prevention, cancellations and other related information.
We also advise following the science-backed practices of "social distancing" and self-quarantine even if you do not have symptoms at this point. Experts tell us that people of all ages can spread the virus, even if you're not symptomatic or ever get sick from it, and limiting social contact can help "flatten the curve" and reduce the number of cases and keep from overwhelming the health-care system.
Please stay home if at all possible and follow all precautions for the health of your family and the entire community.
We urge you to send coronavirus-related story tips, including your experiences trying to get tested and treated, to [email protected] (Jackson metro/Hinds County), [email protected] (statewide) and all to [email protected]. We are working hard offsite to bring you as much information as possible, and we can use your help.
Be safe, folks. We're here with you.