City Monitoring Water Pressure, Road Hazards Amid Cold Weather

Photo by Erda Estremera on Unsplash

Photo by Erda Estremera on Unsplash

The following is a verbatim statement from the Jackson mayor's office:

(JACKSON, MS) – The City of Jackson is issuing the following updates this morning related to extreme cold weather impacting the area:


The City is aware that residents throughout the Jackson area are experiencing low or no water pressure at this time and is working to get it restored. Due to the extreme low temperatures, the City of Jackson Water Treatment Plants are still experiencing an inability to maintain pressure in the distribution system. Until adequate system pressure is restored some areas will continue to experience low to no water pressure.

The water system is trying to recover, but it will take time to get the storage tanks filled to improve pressure. If we have additional bad weather tonight, it will impact the recovery time.

The volume of phone calls coming in to report issues is overwhelming the system at this time. We ask for residents’ patience as we work to stabilize pressure and to reserve calls for visible water leaks or urgent needs for assistance.

o 601-960-1777 o 601-960-1781 o 601-960-1778 o 601-960-0379 o 601-960-1779

The City of Jackson Water/Sewer Utilities Division is still under a CITY-WIDE precautionary boil water advisory until further notice for all surface water connections. This notice does not include well water connections. This advisory affects approximately 43,000 connections on Jackson’s drinking water system.

This is a precautionary advisory. This notice does not mean that your water is unsafe, but it does mean that you must take precaution and boil your water before use.

All customers are advised to boil their drinking water until adequate pressure is restored to the system. Water should be brought to a rolling boil for one minute for the following: cooking or baking, making ice cubes, taking medication, brushing teeth, washing food, mixing baby formula or food, mixing juices or drinks feeding pets, washing dishes and all other consumption.


Again, we ask that residents please continue to exercise extreme caution when going outside and to avoid travel as we anticipate additional weather tonight.

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