The Empowerment of Sil Lai AbramsEmpowerment specialist and domestic-violence awareness activist Sil Lai Abrams, author of the book "No More Drama: Nine Simple Steps of Transforming a Breakdown Into a Breakthrough," expresses a desire to help women live healthy and fulfilling lives, generated from her …
Grownup PunchHalloween is my favorite time of year, and I take great umbrage with those who insist dressing up is only for children. I'm loath to turn down an opportunity to wear a costume and carouse with good friends, but the …
Cori Anderson and Mark SullivanCori Anderson, then 16, was at a friend's house back in summer 2002 when she overheard Mark Sullivan, 18, telling someone he wanted to get rid of his car in order to minimize his carbon footprint.
SymbioticGreen is en vogue, and I don't mean the color. Sporting purses and jewelry made from recycled materials, celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Christina Applegate, Sienna Miller and Katherine Heigl are donning not just designer labels but eco-friendly and socially conscious …
An Enduring Insurance ExchangeNews regarding health-care reform hovers incessantly around either defending or attacking of the so-called public insurance option, a section of H.R. 3200 that provides a government-funded insurance option for customers who choose not to buy insurance from the private sector.
Miss Eudora's State FairEudora Welty not only offers insight into southern culture through literature, but she also reveals the history of the Mississippi State Fair through photographs.
I Can See Clearly Now"Don't put those on, they'll give you a headache," my mother would tell me when I was little. She was referring to her coke-bottle glasses that she only wore at night after taking off her contacts.
Fun Over FlashUnless one's been in a coma or the slammer, it's not news that the "Dancing With The Stars" competition began this week on ABC. It might be news, however, that the "Stars" competition bears little, if any, resemblance to social …
A Homegrown WeddingSix weeks after Dustin Jernigan and Caroline Ware went on their first official date in January 2009, he took her ring shopping.
Alison Hogan and Andrew RossFrom the night that Alison Hogan and Andrew Ross met, they never wondered whether they were going to get married. They just assumed it. "It's very cliché," Alison says, "but we had love at first sight. It was an instant …
Medicaid Drops TherapiesAdele Krichbaum's son is 18, but he has a 5-year-old's grasp of conversation. "He can learn things as well as anybody, but you have to be able to talk to him and convey the information you're trying to give him," …
Chakra WakeningI have been practicing yoga on and off for a few years now, first taking classes at the YMCA, then Butterfly Yoga, which I still frequent when I can. But lately my schedule has been so hectic that the only …
Doc's Football Fashion FolliesWe admit it. Doctor S is obsessed with uniforms. With the threats that pour in every year (especially from Hattiesburg) after his SWAGs, you'd think he was dissin' the quarterback's grandmama or something. No, but he does believe that the …
To Kula, with LoveI consider cooking an act of devotion. I don't bow in front of my stovetop (although I've considered full prostration in front of my stand mixer), but creating food that nourishes bodies is my way to connect and share love …