Building Bike Commuters One Bike Lane at a Time It's that time of year: Bicyclists young and old are lubing chains and dusting off cheap supermarket bikes, top-of-the line Treks and everything in between.
City LoveWhen she was a student at Mississippi College, Lindsey Brooks, now 30, attended a Blue and Gold social club party at Northpointe Barn and told a girlfriend, "I'm going to get married here." She forgot about that passing remark until …
Pop-Up Ballot: Swift & SportyRaces, fun runs and themed 5Ks have seen more success and enthusiasm than ever in Jackson over the past few years, but when it comes to runs, the biggest is also the best.
Walk to Fight for LupusAfter awareness walks and runs for many illnesses, but none in Mississippi for lupus, Krystal Knight began to organize the first annual Fight 4 Lupus Walk.
Springtime RevivalSometimes, among activities or places that come to feel routine, you find something new. Such was the case for me at the last Fondren After 5 and the weekend following it.
A Beautiful BlendThe best weddings combine personal aspects into something fully unique to the couple. When Setu Raval wed Zach Seivers, the occasion incorporated Indian culture, southern family values, cinematic flair, and family and friends from around the world.
Food Corps Recruiting Service Members; Apply by March 30For the last year, Mariel Parman, 24, has worked as a service member with Food Corps to help improve the health of Mississippi's young people by linking health disparity with social change.
Getting Schooled in GMOsGMOs in the form of corn, soy, wheat and rice—the crops most affected by genome modification to make a plant more resistant to insects or poor growing conditions—are at the center of scientific debate and legislative initiatives across the United …
A Few Good MenEspecially after a certain age, if one is single, family, friends and even strangers offer commentary on your independent status that leaves you feeling like you're some sort of freak of nature who should be studied.
Good Ideas: HealthWomen's health in Jackson must encompass many things—healthy food, exercise and mental-health resources, to name a few—but wellness also depends on reproductive health, which is one of the areas where Mississippi is the farthest behind.
Good Ideas: SecurityIf a woman can't make enough money to support herself and her family, she may not have the strength to get out of an abusive situation.
Good Ideas: LeadershipTime and time again, studies show that when women's lives improve—economically, educationally, health-wise or otherwise—so do their family's.
Good Ideas: Girl PowerIf we continue to tell girls that it's not acceptable to be bossy, we are setting them up for failure. We are telling them it is not their place to lead. So they step back.
Race YouThis week kicks off race and 5K season, and hopefully with it, beautiful spring weather just begging for folks to get outside and run around.