Wednesday, September 5, 2012
The Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.) is hosting the "Getting on Easy Street" program—a series of personal finance and credit workshops offered to the general public free of charge.
"We started these courses in October 2011 and average 15 to 20 people per workshop," Kellie Sharp, development and outreach services director for the Jackson Medical Mall Foundation, said. "We have assisted anywhere from 50 to 60 people in improving their credit scores. We hope to empower those who attend the workshops to be more financially astute and aware of their resources, and to build personal wealth. We want to help them make life-sustaining purchases such as for homes or automobiles, or to save for their children's college educations."
Three workshops remain for 2012. Each is 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the scheduled date in the mall's community meeting room in the Thad Cochran Center. "Keeping Your Home and Your Dollars" is Monday, Oct. 1. Participants will learn how to fight off foreclosure or avoid it altogether and how "living green" means keeping money in your pocket.
Two more sessions are scheduled for December: "Budget Now, Ballin' Later: A Savings Guide" on Dec. 3. and "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!" on Dec. 18.
The participant with the most improved credit score at the end of the course will receive a prize. Participants must have attended at least two of the six "Getting on Easy Street" workshops held this year in order to be eligible for the prize.
Participants are asked to register at least one week before each workshop date. Registration for all workshops begins at 5:30 p.m. You must register to attend workshops. Sessions may be added or cancelled based on demand or attendance. For information, call 601-982-8467.