Monday, November 9, 2015
There's never a slow news week in Jackson, Miss., and last week was no exception. Here are the local stories JFP reporters brought you in case you missed them:
- Jackson Police Chief Lee Vance said he would be open to speaking with lawmakers in the coming legislative session about the need for increased education funding as an extra crime-fighting tool.
- Mississippi middle- and high-school students are slowly adapting to more rigorous College and Career Ready standards, state test results released on Thursday show.
- The Mississippi Supreme Court ruled Lauren Czekala-Chatham's divorce legal in concurrence with the ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, the U.S. Supreme Court case that legalized same-sex marriage in June.
- As the dust continues to settle on the failed education-funding Initiative 42, new battle lines appear to be forming over the formula Mississippi uses to fund public schools.
- If you woke up Wednesday morning feeling like it was just another day, it's because voters largely voted to preserve the status quo on Election Day.
- Jackson Mayor Tony Yarber recently accepted $19.5 million from Mississippi Department of Transportation Commissioner Dick Hall for infrastructure projects in Jackson, including those in the 1-percent sales tax master plan.
- Dr. Carey Wright, the state superintendent, says Mississippi’s education system is headed in the right direction—despite mixed results and funding woes.
- Treshika Melvin is among the participants in Operation Shoestring’s annual Conversation About Community on Nov. 12 in Jackson, which organizers say will get into the nuts and bolts of public-school underfunding.
- The Jackson City Council has again shot down a proposal to award a roughly $13.6 million contract to remove years worth of sludge from a wastewater treatment plant.
- South Louisiana-based coffee chain CC's Coffee House arrived in Mississippi about six weeks ago.
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