10 Local Stories of the Week

Carrie Huhn helped coordinate an Improving Birth rally in Jackson, on Sept. 12 in front of Duling Hall, hoping to educate moms and soon-to-be momks about their options and staying healthy during pregnancy.

Carrie Huhn helped coordinate an Improving Birth rally in Jackson, on Sept. 12 in front of Duling Hall, hoping to educate moms and soon-to-be momks about their options and staying healthy during pregnancy. Photo by Arielle Dreher.

There's never a slow news week in Jackson, Miss., and last week was no exception. Here are the local stories JFP reporters brought you in case you missed them:

  1. Starting last year, the City revamped the way it handles complaints against rundown houses and unkempt properties.
  2. The Jackson City Council overwhelmingly said no to a proposal for hauling biosolids from a city wastewater treatment plant.
  3. The JFP has long decided to celebrate our birthday by focusing on both Jackson's progress and new big, hairy ideas (and a few smaller ones).
  4. Soldier On is a program to help veterans re-establish their lives through housing and other services.
  5. Les Tannehill, a private investigator and newlywed to wife of 16 months, Renee, recently talked to the Jackson Free Press about why he should be the new sheriff in town.
  6. From Facebook communities to groups that meet in person, many Mississippi mothers are tired of inadequate maternity care.
  7. A group advocating for an education-funding initiative is calling foul on the wording for the referendum on the secretary of state's sample ballot.
  8. Mayor Tony Yarber denied Tuesday that his biggest campaign contributor is receiving preferential treatment for a $15-million city contract.
  9. Half Shell Oyster House, a seafood restaurant with locations in Gulfport, Biloxi and Hattiesburg, opened its fourth location in Flowood on Sept. 8.
  10. David Reeves, president and CEO of the Metropolitan YMCAs of Mississippi, told concerned Deville Y members that the loss of its lease was a simple "business decision" for the building's New York-based owners.

Remember: Check the JFP Events planner for everything to do in the Jackson metro area. You can also add your own events (or send them to [email protected])! See JFPEvents.com

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